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eigencode 0.1.0 is released πŸŽ‰


The intelligent CLI assistant that understands your codebase and helps you write better code, faster.

~ eigencode

$ this is just a test, actuall input will be written here

$ eigencode open

βœ“ Project initialized successfully!

$ eigencode optimize src/utils/parser.js

Analyzing code...

Found 3 potential optimizations:

1. Replace nested for loops with map/reduce (line 24-42)

2. Memoize expensive computation (line 87)

3. Use destructuring for cleaner parameter handling

$ eigencode implement 1

Implementing optimization #1...

βœ“ Code updated successfully!

Key Features

Codebase Understanding

Analyzes and understands your entire project structure, dependencies, and coding patterns to provide contextual assistance.

Native CLI Experience

Works right in your terminal - no context switching or additional editors required.

File Interaction

Reads and writes to project files, making meaningful changes to your codebase based on intelligent analysis.

API Integration & Local Models

Set up using your own API keys with support for running local models coming soon.


For UNIX-like operating systems:

curl -fsSL | bash

For Windows operating system:

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')"